Module 12: REST API - Part 2
- First read this page then start the module with the GitHub classroom link below.
- Github Classroom Link:
Exercise 1:
- Review the code in the GitHub repository. Take note of the changes since module 11, including the relocation of the toppings handler functions to the
file. Also take note of a new class filePizzaSize.h
. - Notice the new map in the
that will store the size of the pizza.// Creating a map to store pizza sizes map<string, PizzaSize> pizzaSizesMap;
- Create a new endpoint to read this new resource. The endpoint should return all of the available pizza sizes and should use the HTTP method:
. Add your code in thepizzaAPI.cpp
where it says: ` // Exercise 1: Add new end points hereā¦` - Test your new endpoint.
- Create a new endpoint to read a single instance of the resource. The endpoint should return one of the available pizza sizes based on an id and should use the HTTP method:
. - Test your new endpoint.
- Create a new endpoint to update a single instance of the resource. The endpoint should modify one of the available pizza sizes based on an id and should use the HTTP method:
. A JSON body should be provided in the request.{"id":"1","size":"Mini"}
- Test your new endpoint.
- Create a new endpoint to create a single instance of the resource. The endpoint should create a new pizza sizes and should use the HTTP method:
.A JSON body should be provided in the request.{"id":"4","size":"Mega-Large"}
- Test your new endpoint
- Create a new endpoint to delete a single instance of the resource. The endpoint should return one of the available pizza sizes based on an id and should use the HTTP method:
. - Test your new endpoint.
Exercise 2:
- Add a new function to
that will save the PizzaSize map to a file.void saveToFile(std::map<std::string, PizzaSize> data, std::string filename)
- Implement the save to file function.
- Call the function where it says:
// Exercise 2: Add code here to save the resources to a file.
- Test this function by starting and stopping the pizzaAPI program.
json::wvalue convertPizzaSizeToJson(PizzaSize pizzaSize)
json::wvalue writeValueJson;
writeValueJson["id"] = pizzaSize.getId();
writeValueJson["size"] = pizzaSize.getSize();
return writeValueJson;
void saveToFile(map<string, PizzaSize> data, string filename)
// Open the file for writing
ofstream file(filename);
if (file.is_open())
// Create a new JSON write value use to write to the file.
json::wvalue jsonWriteValue;
// For each object in the map, convert the object to JSON and add to the write value.
int index = 0;
for (pair<string, PizzaSize> keyValuePair : data)
// first: gives you access to the first item in the pair.
// second: gives you access to the second item in the pair.
jsonWriteValue[index] = convertPizzaSizeToJson(keyValuePair.second);
// Write the JSON to the file.
file << jsonWriteValue.dump();
Exercise 3:
- Add a new function to
that will load the PizzaSize map from a<string, PizzaSize> loadFromFile(string filename)
- Implement the load from file function.
- Call the function where it says:
// Exercise 3: Add code here to read data from a file....
- Test this function by starting and stopping the pizzaAPI program.
map<string, PizzaSize> loadFromFile(string filename)
map<string, PizzaSize> data;
// Open the file for reading.
ifstream file(filename);
// If the file is open.
if (file.is_open())
// Create a stream for reading in the file.
ostringstream stringStreamJson;
// Read the entire JSON string.
stringStreamJson << file.rdbuf();
// Load the string into a JSON read value object.
json::rvalue jsonReadValue = json::load(stringStreamJson.str());
// Close the file.
// For each item in the JSON convert it to an object,
// and add it to the data map.
for (json::rvalue item : jsonReadValue)
PizzaSize pizzaSize{item["id"].s(), item["size"].s()};
data[pizzaSize.getId()] = pizzaSize;
return data;